“Adventures in AI Art: Crafting Mammal Illustrations with ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E 3”

Hey there! Have you ever tried playing around with AI to create images from text prompts? Let me tell you, it’s a fascinating journey, filled with its fair share of quirks and laughs. Today, I want to share an interesting tale about my recent experiment with ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E 3, as we ventured into the world of mammal illustrations.

So, picture this: I wanted an image showing a collection of mammals on a plain white background, each species neatly labeled. My exact prompt to ChatGPT-4 was fairly straightforward: “Please generate a set of mammals on a plain white background, each mammal species clearly labeled.”

Here’s where things get interesting. ChatGPT-4, being the diligent assistant it is, decided to modify my prompt for “better results” before passing it off to DALL-E 3. The resulting prompt was: “Photo of a collection of mammals neatly arranged on a plain white background. The mammals include a lion, an elephant, a kangaroo, a panda, a dolphin, and a bat. Each mammal has a clear, legible label beneath it indicating its species name.”

What did DALL-E 3 come up with? Well, it featured most of these animals quite accurately, except it decided to throw in two giraffes for good measure. Hey, who can say no to a couple of extra giraffes, right?

Feeling a little adventurous, I asked for another set: “Illustration of a variety of mammals displayed on a pristine white backdrop. Featured are mammal species such as a Tiger, Giraffe, Koala, Whale, Hedgehog, and Chimpanzee. Directly below each mammal is a label stating its species name in readable font.” The resulting artwork was intriguing, with each mammal neatly labeled, but still, those double giraffes made a comeback!

Now, here’s where the plot thickens. Inspired by my curiosity (and perhaps a touch of mischief), I requested ChatGPT-4 to generate images of mammals with Swedish labels. My prompt: “Please generate three images, each containing a set of mammals on a plain white background, each type of mammal clearly labeled in Swedish.”

ChatGPT-4 translated this to: “Photo of a variety of common mammals neatly displayed on a plain white background, with each mammal clearly labeled in Swedish. The set includes ‘Lejon’ for lion, ‘Elefant’ for elephant, ‘Giraff’ for giraffe, ‘Tiger’ for tiger, ‘Varg’ for wolf, ‘Björn’ for bear, ‘Flodhäst’ for hippopotamus, and ‘Zebra’ for zebra. Each label is written in a clear, legible font placed directly below its corresponding mammal.”

And DALL-E 3? Well, it decided to umlaut everything. Even though ChatGPT-4’s Swedish translations were spot on, our delightful DALL-E 3 seemed to think every Swedish word deserved an umlaut makeover.

Not one to give up easily, I flipped the experiment, asking for common Swedish mammals labeled in English. Sure enough, our AI friend DALL-E 3 managed to sneak in a few umlauts again. It’s as if those dots had a mind of their own!

What’s the takeaway? Working with AI tools like ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E 3 can be an exciting and somewhat unpredictable experience. They’re like enthusiastic buddies at a paint night—sometimes they nail it, sometimes they add their own creative twist. And honestly, that’s half the fun.

So, next time you have a wild idea for an AI experiment, give it a go! Who knows, you might end up with a delightful set of giraffes or a charmingly umlauted masterpiece.

Got any cool AI stories or experiments of your own? Drop them in the comments! Let’s share a laugh and marvel at the quirks of these amazing tools together.

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